Dear Valued Customers,
Did you know DPS offers electronic payments? In an effort to reduce delays due to lost or damaged mail, we encourage our customers to receive and pay electronically.. Here is some important information about our autopay option:
Making Payments Electronically: Here is some important information about electronic payments:
· You will receive a copy of your invoice at the time of billing with a payment link.
· You will receive a receipt once the charge is processed.
· You will avoid USPS delays and lost checks.
Payment Options
- ACH – To send ACH payments (set up by you) to Digital Print Solutions, please see the “DPS ACH UPIC” attachment.
- Checking Account via payment portal – no fee – see portal information below
- Autopayments via payment portal – no fee – see portal information below
- Credit Card via payment portal – 3% fee – see portal information below
- Check – we will continue to accept check payments.
- *Please note, the einfo payment portal will no longer be active
Payment Portal:
This is also a notice that our new payment portal is active, and payment links will soon be included with our emailed invoices. Please see the attached PDF “How to Create a Login – Payments”.
Please use the email address where you receive invoices from DPS when creating your account. Any accounts you currently receive invoices for will be available to you on the portal. Below is a link to the portal, to get started.
Please note, payments made by credit card are subject to a 3% fee and processed at the time of invoice.
To sign up for ACH AutoPay (set up by DPS), please see the information above as well as the “ACH info form”attached. You can email it to, fax it to 330-659-0448, or mail it to Digital Print Solutions, 4160 Highlander Pkwy., Suite 300, Richfield, OH 44286. To send ACH payments (set up by you) to Digital Print Solutions, please see the “DPS ACH” attachment.
Additional Information:
Customer Service: Service, parts and supply orders can be placed by
Accounting: Invoices and statements can be requested by emailing